Thanks to a wide range of betting options, online roulette players have plenty of choices when it comes to placing bets that will potentially pocket wads of cash. Roulette rules differ according to the variations, but bets are placed on either an inside or outside basis. Inside bets generally carry higher payouts, but have lower odds, while outside bets are the opposite.
Within these broad betting terms, there are up to 20 different outcomes to bet on. This makes roulette a table game that has the most involved rule set of any other table game. Of course, if you’re a strategic player, have a knack for numbers and are keen to develop your skills, learning the rules is part of the fun!
My experience with Yukon Gold Casino (My #1 Online Casino in Canada):
So I signed up for Casino
My number 1 goal when signing up to a new online casino is to ensure I am not getting scammed, it does not matter how good your sign up offer is if they will never pay you your winnings. Remember this point, in my experience if its too good to be true, it probably is not.
Anyway, I registered my account, deposited $10, (even though I always play higher stakes than that), one of the ways I judge an online casino is by their deposit methods, if they don’t have many its not only awkward but a bad sign. It means payment companies don’t want to work with them for some reason (those reas