Thanks to a wide range of betting options, online roulette players have plenty of choices when it comes to placing bets that will potentially pocket wads of cash. Roulette rules differ according to the variations, but bets are placed on either an inside or outside basis. Inside bets generally carry higher payouts, but have lower odds, while outside bets are the opposite.
You know your local lottery games? The ones where you pick out your lucky numbers on a small, printed ticket and stand to win some big bucks? Well, that’s basically what you can expect when playing online keno games – only this time, the tickets are virtual. While not a proven fact, keno is thought to have originated in China and quickly spread in popularity.
Slots are the most played games at online casinos the world over, which could be due to their fun themes, interactive features and bonus game prizes – not to mention their payout potential. While some are basic fruit machines, others follow an almost video-game style, with very involved storylines, and provide endless entertainment in their wake.